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Top Best Java Frameworks You Should Know

Top Best Java Frameworks


So I’ll talk about the Top best Java frameworks you need to know about in this blog. Java frameworks are the pre-written code’s bodies through which you may insert your own. However, there are other frameworks available with a wide range of uses. 

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What are Java frameworks?

Frameworks are large sets of pre-written code to which you can add your own to address specific issues. By using a framework’s methods, inheritance, and providing callbacks, listeners, or other pattern implementations, you can use it.

A framework will frequently influence how an application is structured. Some frameworks even include so much code that developing your application only requires minimal effort. Depending on how simple it is to use, this may or may not be a positive thing. Programming’s foundation is made up of frameworks. You build on top of a strong foundation, and your software runs quickly and smoothly. A terrible foundation is built upon; your life is dreadful, brutal, and short.

Top Java frameworks used

1. Spring framework

Enterprise Java uses the sophisticated yet lightweight Spring Framework for application development (JEE).

The Spring Framework’s fundamental components can be utilised to create any Java application. It’s referred to as a full modular framework. All layer implementations of a real-time application can use this framework. In contrast to other frameworks, it may also be used to construct a specific layer of a real-time application; but, with Spring, we can develop all layers.

Enterprise applications use Spring and all of its components, such as Spring MVC, Spring Core, Spring Security, Spring ORM, etc.

2. Hibernate

A reliable object-relational mapping framework for Java is called Hibernate ORM. It improves communication between relational database management systems and the Java programming language (RDBMS).

An issue known as Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch, sometimes known as Paradigm Mismatch, arises when working with an object-oriented language like Java. This is due to the fact that OO languages and RDBMSs handle data in different ways, which can generate serious incompatibility issues. As a result, Hibernate offers you a framework to get around Java’s mismatch issues.

With the help of the Java Online Course, you may learn how to develop web applications utilizing Java Technologies, including Java Servlets, JDBC, and Java Programming.

3. Struts 

The Apache Software Foundation is in charge of maintaining this additional enterprise-level framework (ASF). This comprehensive Java web application framework enables the developers to produce a Java application that is simple to maintain. Two variations exist. both Struts 1 and 2. Struts 2 combines the OpenSymphony webwork framework with Struts 1. But because Struts 2 is an updated version of Apache Struts, all businesses favour using it.

4. The Google Web Toolkit

The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an open-source, totally free framework that aids in the creation of JavaScript from client-side Java code. Many Google products, including AdSense, Google Wallet, and Blogger, are developed using GWT.

Developers may quickly and easily create complex browser applications with GWT. You may create and debug Ajax applications in Java as well. With GWT, you can create intricate browser-based applications without needing to be an authority on front-end innovations like responsive design or JavaScript optimization.

5. JSF, or JavaServer Faces

Oracle created JavaServer Faces (JSF) to create user interfaces for Java-based online applications. It adheres to the Java Community Process (JCP) initiative’s official standard. It has a remarkably solid framework.

This UI framework is built on components. The architecture of JSF, which is based on the MVC software design pattern, completely specifies the difference between application logic and representation.


This concludes our discussion of the Top Best Java Frameworks in Use in this blog. I hope you understand all that has explaines to you in this tutorial.

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